Year 2 News

31st May 2024

Year Two have had a very creative month this month!

It all started with our whole school Creative Week. This Year we focused on the work of one artist- Vincent Van Gogh.

After studying several of his paintings, the children chose to recreate their version of ‘The Starry Night’.

They chose to work together on a large piece of art initially. Using yellows, blues and white the children cut out and painted circles which were then enhanced with 3D materials. These were then collated to create the main picture. After that, they drew and cut out the buildings and plants to add to the sky.

Later in the week, clay was used alongside 3D materials to create individual stars which were placed in front of the picture. 


As part of our work on 3D sculpture this term, Year 2 looked at the work of several artists including Michelle Reader who uses re-cycled materials to create animal sculptures. The children designed group sculptures. They collected the materials and worked together to build each animal. They worked really well together and proved to be Creative Spiders as well as Responsible Penguins. We were really impressed with their results.