Meet the Governors

Governors focus on the quality of education. They understand their statutory duties and carry them out well.
Ofsted - September 2023

Message from our Chair of the Governing Body...

I am immensely proud to be chairing the Governing Body of this wonderful school. The job of a Governing Body is to work with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team to ensure pupils get the best education possible. We have the responsibility for ensuring clarity of vision and strategic direction, holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school; overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

We are a mixture of parent governors, school staff, co-opted governors and local authority representatives. The governors have a variety of skills and backgrounds that provide the school with a wide range of expertise and support. What unifies us is our strong commitment to the school and its pupils.

This is a happy school where staff are committed to doing their best for every child. We as governors are hugely proud of our school. It is clearly evident that both the staff and children also feel proud to be part of our school, and this is represented in everything they do. It is an absolute privilege to work with such a dedicated group of staff and governors, who are continuously striving to improve outcomes for all the children.

Our current Governing Body
Mrs Kerida Allaway - Parent Governor and Chair of Governors
Mrs Emma Ide - Co-opted Governor 
Ryan Williams - Co-opted Governor
Giulia Di Lorenzo - Co-opted Governor 
Current Vacancy - LA Governor 
Current Vacancy - Co-opted Governor
Mrs Karen Rodger - Co-opted Governor
Current Vacancy - Parent Governor
Mrs Adriana Bennett - Staff Governor
Mrs Sally Dreckmann - Ex-officio by virtue of office as Headteacher
Mrs Caroline Sugden - Associate Governor
For information about historic governors please click here
Our Governing Body has chosen not to run committees, and so all business is conducted through Full Governing Body meetings.
The Remit of the Governing Body
To ensure that:
1. The vision, ethos and strategic direction of the School are clearly defined.
2. The Headteacher performs her responsibilities for the educational performance of the school.
3. The sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources, including the implementation of the whole school pay policy, undertaking the Headteacher’s appraisal, setting and monitoring the annual budget, and giving oversight to the school fund account.
4. Ensuring appropriate personnel policy and procedures are in place, including the review and development of staffing policies, such as procedures for selection and appointment of staff, pay, professional development, equal opportunities, sickness and absence.
5. Reviewing the staffing structure (teaching and non-teaching), especially following a vacancy and at least annually in relation to the school development plan staffing policies.
6. Agree membership and procedures for staff appointment panels.
7. Developing and reviewing policies for security and fire safety, health and safety, including monitoring procedures, and ensuring the school complies with health and safety regulations.
8. Responsible for ensuring buildings are adequately maintained and insured through regular monitoring.
Governor Diversity Data
Our Governing Body recognises that the DfE want Governing Boards to be increasingly reflective of the communities they serve.  Following discussion, it is however the decision of our Governing Board that they do not wish to publish board members' diversity data because individuals could be identified through the publication of this data.