Year 2 News

31st October 2022

Linking to our topic 'Happily Ever After' the Year 2 children took part in a Pumpkin Project. Each class had 5 different pumpkins and the children had to predict which pumpkin had the most seeds. They used their senses to investigate the pumpkins, used scales to weigh them and a tape measure to find out the circumference of each pumpkin. 

Then came the exciting part.... 

The teachers cut the pumpkins open and we removed the seeds. Once the seeds were clean and dry we counted them! We grouped the seeds into 10s to make the counting easier. 

The next day we used the pumpkin flesh to make soup! It was delicious! 


We also had a visit from two dental nurses and a dentist who came to talk to the Year 2 children about dental health. They discussed what different food and drink is better for your teeth and how to clean them carefully.

The children all went home with a new tooth brush and a two-minute timer. Following the success of this workshop, they are coming to visit the Reception and Year 1 children in the Spring Term.