Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and Inclusion

Some pupils will, permanently or for a period of time, have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of their age. Some may have disabilities that prevent or hinder them from making use of all of the facilities provided for our pupils.

As a school, we are dedicated to giving these children individual consideration and will make special provision for them, working in partnership with outside support agencies where necessary (e.g. speech and language therapy services or the Sensory Support Team), in order to allow them to fully access the curriculum and make full use of the facilities available to all of our pupils here at Rose Green Infant School.


It is our intention that the needs of all pupils are identified and met as early as possible. All children, whether they have special educational needs or not, have an equal opportunity to participate in the full curriculum of the school.

Every effort is made to ensure that the work is suitable, regardless of ability, and that all children feel valued and are able to achieve success.

Our teachers and teaching assistants work with individuals and small groups of children on intervention programmes for speech and language, reading, literacy and maths, to support them in reaching their full potential. Parents are kept fully informed of their child’s progress.

If you require any further information about our SEND provisions, please contact our SENDCO, Mrs Jennifer Gwynn, via the school telephone number or using the form on the contact page, and she will be happy to assist you with any queries you may have.

If you are a parent or carer of a child with SEND and have a complaint about the support provided, please raise your concerns with the Headteacher or refer to the School Complaints Procedures.

Reaching Families
Reaching Families is a parent-carer led charity that aims to empower, inform and support parents and families of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities in West Sussex.  They do this through offering a wide range of projects and services of information, training and support.   

Reaching Families can offer support in a number of ways:- 

  • A weekly zoom parent support group called Umbrellas
  • A befriending service matching parent-carers with a specially trained parent befriender. 


They deliver various training courses and workshops including:- 

  • One off training workshops on subjects such as challenging behaviour, anxiety, sensory issues, EHCP’s and support at school.

  • Making Sense of Wellbeing – a six week course including a blend of wellbeing workshops and mindfulness. 

  • Making Sense of it All Foundation Course – a three part course giving an introduction to all things SEND. This is ideal for parents who would like to find out more about SEND processes and how to access information and support.

     They have a library of free information resources on their website, covering a vast range of topics, including two parent guidebooks, factsheets, animations and videos.  


You can find out more information on all of the above from their website here.  If you would like to join their mailing list to keep up to date with their news and events you can sign up here Reaching Families (list-manage.com)


Wellbeing and Mental Health
Our Senior Mental Health Lead is Mrs Sally Dreckmann.  If you would like to discuss any concerns about your child or have questions, please make an appointment with her via the school office.
Our Wellbeing Governor is Mrs Karen Rodger.  She can be contacted via the school office.